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What Aminal Stuffed Animal Do Arabic Children Like

What Aminal Stuffed Animal Do Arabic Children Like

al kafi 1528


Assalamualaikum wbt,

I'm sorry but I accept a question, is it permissible to have minion or teddy bear as our pillow (to hug or concord onto) when we sleep? Promise for an caption from Datuk Mufti.


Waalaikumussalam wbt,

Alhamdulillah, praise and thanks to Allah for the endless blessings He has blessed us all with. Blessings and salutations to the Prophet Muhammad PBUH, his wives, his family, companions and all those that follow his teachings to the twenty-four hours of judgement.

We start with the statement of the Prophet PBUH:

لَا تَدْخُلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ بَيْتًا فِيهِ كَلْبٌ وَلَا صُورَةُ تَمَاثِيلَ

"Angels (of Mercy) exercise not enter a firm wherein there is a domestic dog or a flick of a living animal (a human being existence or an animal)."

Sahih al-Bukhari (3225), Sahih Muslim (2106) and Sunan al-Tirmizi (2804)

Al-Mubarakfuri explained that the significant of the phrase "Angels do not enter" refers to the affections of mercy and not angels of hafazah (who is always with a person and records his deeds) and also not the angel of death (who takes lives). While the phrase "a picture" in the hadith ways a pic (that is in the form of) humans and animals. (Run across Tuhfah al-Ahwazi , 8/72)

The Reason for the Prohibition of Keeping Pictures or Figurine (of living creatures)

Imam al-Nawawi explained regarding the reason of the prohibition maxim:

قَالَ الْعُلَمَاءُ سَبَبُ امْتِنَاعِهِمْ مِنْ بَيْتٍ فِيهِ صُورَةٌ كَوْنُهَا مَعْصِيَةً فَاحِشَةً وَفِيهَا مُضَاهَاةٌ لِخَلْقِ اللَّهِ تَعَالَى وَبَعْضُهَا فِي صُورَةِ مَا يُعْبَدُ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ تَعَالَى

"The scholars stated, among the reasons angels are prevented from inbound a house is because in that location is a moving-picture show (of a living creature). The reason is the human action of placing the picture is a cursed transgression and it is as though resembling the cosmos of Allah and some of the pictures are worshipped." (Run across al-Minhaj Syarh Sahih Muslim , 14/84)

Ibnu Qayyim al-Jauziah land that there is a narration where the Prophet PBUH entered the Kaaba and prayed inside of information technology simply the Prophet PBUH refused to enter it until all the pictures are brought out from information technology. Afterwards, he commented on the narration saying:

فَفِيهِ دَلِيلٌ عَلَى كَرَاهَةِ الصَّلَاةِ فِي الْمَكَانِ الْمُصَوَّرِ، وَهَذَا أَحَقُّ بِالْكَرَاهَةِ مِنَ الصَّلَاةِ فِي الْحَمَّامِ؛ لِأَنَّ كَرَاهَةَ الصَّلَاةِ فِي الْحَمَّامِ، إِمَّا لِكَوْنِهِ مَظِنَّةَ النَّجَاسَةِ، وَإِمَّا لِكَوْنِهِ بَيْتَ الشَّيْطَانِ، وَهُوَ الصَّحِيحُ، وَأَمَّا مَحَلُّ الصُّوَرِ فَمَظِنَّةُ الشِّرْكِ غَالِبُ شِرْكِ الْأُمَمِ كَانَ مِنْ جِهَةِ الصُّوَرِ وَالْقُبُورِ

"This is show that ruled it makruh (undesirable) to pray in a identify where there are pictures in information technology. And this is a greater makruh compared to praying in washrooms for the makruh ruling is due to either the fear that there may exist najis or it is the house of shaytan. This is the sahih opinion. As for a place where pictures are in it, (praying there is makruh) for there is a possibility that information technology could lead to syirk. About previous nations are led to syirk whether past worshipping pictures or graves (of prophets and pious people)." (See Zad al-Ma'ad,  three/402)

Thus, nosotros understand that the prohibition towards figurine or pictures (painting) of living creations is considering they resemble the creation of Allah SWT and it is feared that they would exist honoured, venerated or respected that ultimately it volition to syirk where they are worshipped.

We have discussed the issue regarding statues, figurines, toys and others like them thoroughly in our previous articles:

  • Al-Afkar #47: The Ruling of Statues as Décor
  • Al-Kafi li al-Fatawi: Collecting Action Figures as a Hobby
  • Al-Kafi li al-Fatawi 1331: The Ruling of Keeping Children's Toys
  • Irsyad al-Fatwa: The Ruling of Using a Tiger's Plushie to Chase Away Monkeys

Character or Beast-Shaped Eternalize

It has become a tendency where children nowadays would have a teddy conduct, minions plushie or others as their eternalize or pillow that they hug or hold when they sleep. Regarding this matter, Imam al-Nawawi cited the stance of al-Khattabi who states:

وَإِنَّمَا لَا تَدْخُلُ الْمَلَائِكَةُ بَيْتًا فِيهِ كَلْبٌ أَوْ صُورَةٌ مِمَّا يَحْرُمُ اقْتِنَاؤُهُ مِنَ الْكِلَابِ وَالصُّوَرِ فَأَمَّا مَا لَيْسَ بِحَرَامٍ مِنْ كَلْبِ الصَّيْدِ وَالزَّرْعِ وَالْمَاشِيَةِ وَالصُّورَةِ الَّتِي تُمْتَهَنُ فِي الْبِسَاطِ وَالْوِسَادَةِ وَغَيْرِهِمَا فَلَا يَمْتَنِعُ دُخُولُ الْمَلَائِكَةِ بِسَبَبِهِ

"Indeed, the angels will non enter the house where there is domestic dog or pictures (pictures of figures) which are prohibited. As for what is non prohibited to exist utilized such equally hunting dogs, or dogs that guard crops or farm animals and pictures that are not revered on throws or pillows or others like information technology, and then they practise not prevent angels from inbound the house (inside the business firm) because of their presence (within the house)." (Run into al-Minhaj Syarh Sahih Muslim , 14/84 and Tuhfah al-Ahwazi , viii/72)

However, afterward Imam al-Nawawi states his stance where he said the prohibition of the matter is general for all types of dogs and pictures:

وَالْأَظْهَرُ أَنَّهُ عَامٌّ فِي كُلِّ كَلْبٍ وَكُلِّ صُورَةٍ... لِإِطْلَاقِ الْأَحَادِيثِ وَلِأَنَّ الْجِرْوَ الَّذِي كَانَ فِي بَيْتِ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ تَحْتَ السَّرِيرِ كَانَ لَهُ فِيهِ عُذْرٌ ظَاهِرٌ فَإِنَّهُ لَمْ يَعْلَمْ بِهِ وَمَعَ هَذَا امْتَنَعَ جِبْرِيلُ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مِنْ دُخُولِ الْبَيْتِ وَعَلَّلَ بِالْجِرْوِ فَلَوْ كَانَ العذر فى وجود الصورة والكلب لايمنعهم لَمْ يَمْتَنِعْ جِبْرِيلُ

"The potent stance regarding the prohibition is a general prohibition for all types of dogs and picture show of figurines… for the hadiths are absolute (not bound by annihilation). And for the narration of a puppy's presence under the bed in the Prophet PBUH'southward house, the Prophet PBUH did not know nearly information technology, thus, there is an excuse in this case. However, it even so prevented the angel Gabriel from entering the Prophet PBUH'due south house considering of the puppy beingness within of the firm. If at that place is exception for pictures of figurines and dogs (existence inside a person's business firm), surely Gabriel AS would not take been prevented from entering the house." (Come across al-Minhaj Syarh Sahih Muslim , 14/84)

Fifty-fifty then, there is a narration from Aisyah R.Anha where she said:

كُنْتُ أَلْعَبُ بِالْبَنَاتِ عِنْدَ النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَكَانَ لِي صَوَاحِبُ يَلْعَبْنَ مَعِي فَكَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ إِذَا دَخَلَ يَتَقَمَّعْنَ مِنْهُ فَيُسَرِّبُهُنَّ إِلَيَّ فَيَلْعَبْنَ مَعِي

"I used to play with the dolls in the presence of the Prophet, and my girl friends likewise used to play with me. When Allah'south Messenger (ﷺ) used to enter (my dwelling place) they used to hibernate themselves, merely the Prophet would telephone call them to join and play with me."

Sahih al-Bukhari (6130)

Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani said: "Scholars take used this hadith as testify about the permissibility of girls playing with dolls. This hadith is an exception for the general hadith that prohibit creating something that resembles the creation of Allah SWT. This permissibility is affirmed past al-Qafi 'Iyadh and he states that this is the opinion of the bulk of scholars." See Fath al-Bari  (x/527)

Thus, we know that if the toys or plushie is for play and education of children, then it is permissible. The reason is, children's toys is not something that is revered or worshipped. Furthermore, it is in the nature of children to throw or suspension their toys or even disassembling the head and torso parts of their toys. This clearly shows that toys are only their plaything and not something that is honoured or revered.

Coming back to the question asked, in our opinion information technology is permissible to have Teddy bear or Minion plushie as pillow as long equally it is not revered, venerated (taqdis), respected or is used for the purpose of worship. Moreover, when information technology is used as a pillow information technology is clear that its purpose is not to be revered for it may be exposed to drool and others.


To conclude, subsequently reviewing the evidences and opinions of scholars besides as considering the reality and waqi' of Malaysia, we draw the following conclusions:

  • We are inclined to say that having teddy acquit or minion plushie or others every bit pillow is permissible as long as it is not honoured, revered, venerated or for the purpose of worship. However, if the plushie is worshipped or placed in a identify of laurels that could atomic number 82 information technology to be venerated, then it is clearly haram and prohibited.
  • However, we would similar to suggest (if possible) to avert teddy bear, minion plushie and others as pillow. If possible, supplant them (with other pillows such every bit pillows shaped like stars, plants and others) or leave it altogether to avoid any form of syubhah (dubiousness), for when we leave matters of khilaf such equally this, then it is included every bit what has been stated:

الْخُرُوجُ مِنَ الْخِلاَفِ مُسْتَحَبٌّ

"Avoiding khilaf is encouraged."

May Allah SWT give us a clear understanding in practising this faith. Amin.

What Aminal Stuffed Animal Do Arabic Children Like




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